Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a primary reason for repeated antibiotics use, contributing to multidrug resistance in both dogs and people. However, the links between urine and fecal E. coli and how antibiotics impact the development of multidrug resistance over time is not well understood. To fill this knowledge gap, researchers will compare multidrug-resistant E. coli strains in urine and fecal samples of dogs diagnosed with recurrent UTIs. The team also will compare gut microbiota (including gut residing E. coli) response to antibiotic use in dogs with and without multidrug-resistant E. coli UTIs. The team will particularly focus on multidrug-resistant genes during and after antibiotic use. Findings will help inform antibiotic use and further studies on the microbiome in dogs and people with recurrent and hard-to-treat UTIs.
Study ID
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Grant amount awarded
Grant recipient
The Ohio State University
Study country
United States
Nora Jean Nealon, DVM