Who We Are

Morris Animal Foundation started with a man who changed the course of veterinary medicine forever. And we’ve been building on his legacy for 75+ years.

elephant icon with green background

25,000+ species benefit from our research

Diseases often aren’t species specific. When we help one animal, the new knowledge gained can have a ripple effect to help related species or entire ecosystems.

Animal Health Problems Studied
blue microscope icon
Species Directly Studied

Building on History : The Foundation Celebrates 75+ Years

When Dr. Mark L. Morris Sr., an ambitious and passionate newly graduated veterinarian, walked into his first private practice job in 1926, little did he realize he was embarking on a journey that would lead to improved lives for animals, large and small, around the world.

Louise Morris: The Matriarch Behind Morris Animal Foundation

Much has been written about our pioneering founder, Dr. Mark Morris Sr., but few are aware of the amazing contributions of his wife, Louise. In honor of Women’s History Month, we’d like you to get to know her.

Like Father, Like Son - The Legacy of Dr. Mark L. Morris Jr

During his career, Dr. Mark L. Morris Jr. didn’t just follow in his father’s footsteps, he sprinted up the path with his own brand of creativity and passion for improving the lives of animals. In 1963, he received his PhD in pathology because, at the time, earning a PhD in animal nutrition was impossible – no graduate programs existed in this specialty.

Our History

Mark Morris Sr. with x-ray


Morris Animal Foundation established

Morris Frank with Buddy


First canine and feline studies funded

Scientific Advisory Board 1959


First equine study funded

Betty White with orangutan


First wildlife study funded

Gorilla 1986


Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project in Rwanda established

Golden Retriever Lifetime Study


Enrollment for Golden Retriever Lifetime Study opens

Gray horse looking over right shoulder


3,000+ impactful studies, $160 million in research funding

Our People

We believe animals make the world a better place. Animals are our family members, our companions and our inspiration. Whether we work on staff, serve as board members or volunteer as scientific advisers, each of us strives every day to make the world a brighter place for animals — and those who love them.

Help Animals Live Long and Healthy Lives

Celebrate the Life of a Beloved Pet or Animal-Loving Friend