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Strangles is a highly contagious upper respiratory tract infection and the most frequently diagnosed infectious disease in horses worldwide. Clinical signs include fever, nasal discharge, and swollen, enlarged or abscessed lymph nodes. Currently available vaccines have safety and efficacy limitations and do not allow for veterinarians and researchers to distinguish between horses that have been vaccinated and horses with naturally occurring strangles, a problem that hinders disease control. Researchers will test the effectiveness of a novel vaccine and its ability to more broadly protect horses against strangles and overcome this shortfall. A safer and more effective vaccine strategy against strangles will greatly improve the prevention of this global equine health challenge.

Study ID
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Start Date
Grant amount awarded
Grant recipient
Texas A&M AgriLife Research
Study country
United States
Noah D. Cohen, VMD, MPH, PhD, DACVIM-LA
Study category
Infectious Disease