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Subvalvular aortic stenosis (SAS), a constriction of the aorta, the major vessel in the heart, is a significant concern in several dog breeds, causing shortened lifespan and, in some cases, sudden death. Large and giant breeds, including Newfoundland dogs, rottweilers and bullmastiffs, have a higher risk of developing SAS. The breed-specific prevalence, the early age of onset, the clustering of affected dogs in sibships, and results from some breeding studies have pointed to a genetic basis for SAS in these high-risk breeds. However, the causative genetic variation(s) and identification of the broader genetic basis for SAS in Newfoundland dogs and other breeds has remained elusive. Partnering with breed clubs, researchers will use state-of-the-art genomic tools to take a deeper dive into the genetics associated with SAS in Newfoundland dogs. Findings will help advance our understanding of the genetic basis of SAS in the breed, and provide valuable clues to help other breeds affected by this life-limiting heart condition.

Study ID
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Michigan State University
Study country
United States
Vilma Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan, PhD
Study category