About 20% of cats will develop signs of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), the most common feline heart disease. One devastating complication of HCM is clot formation, also known as saddle thrombus. Cats with this complication often show paralysis of hind limbs that is extremely painful to the cat and a distressing emergency for the cat owner. Limited tools exist for testing and treating cats at risk of forming saddle thrombus. Studies show free-circulating DNA in humans, mice and dogs promote clot formation and can be used as a treatment target. Researchers will look for protein markers and free-circulating DNA in the blood of cats with known HCM and saddle thrombus. Findings will help researchers develop a screening test to identify cats at risk of clot formation, a much-needed tool to the improve the lives of cats affected by heart disease.
Study ID
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University of California/Davis
Study country
United States
Ronald Li, DVM, MVetMed, PhD
Study category