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Intestinal parasites are commonly seen in dogs, and can range from asymptomatic to life-threatening. In severe cases, dogs experience anemia, hypoalbuminemia (abnormally low levels of blood protein) and eosinophilia (higher than normal numbers of white cells associated with allergy and parasite infestation). Although fecal screening or blood tests can identify most parasitic infections, some tests have variable results. Researchers will analyze blood and urine records from dogs in the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study with confirmed parasitic infections. The team also will look at data detailing their activities and lifestyles, such as companion pet versus field trial and hunting dogs. Identifying prevalence and risk factors for parasites would help identify dogs that may benefit from additional parasite screenings and more aggressive deworming strategies. This study also is providing research experience for an internal medicine resident in a private specialty practice.

Study ID
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Start Date
Grant recipient
University of California, Davis
Study country
United States
Joshua A. Stern, DVM, PhD
Study category