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Cancer remains one of the most devastating diseases in dogs, and obesity may play a role in pre-cancer processes. The fellow will evaluate the effects of black and navy beans on inflammatory biomarkers, gut hormone expression and metabolism in overweight dogs undergoing weight loss. The results will provide insight into the mechanisms by which dietary bean intake can reduce canine obesity. The goal of this research is to reduce the risk of cancer in dogs by using dietary interventions that inhibit metabolic and inflammatory pathways associated with the development of cancer. This Fellowship Training Grant will support the completion of the PhD portion of the researcher's graduate training and allow her to pursue a career goal of becoming a clinician and small animal nutritionist and conducting research into the prevention and control of chronic diseases.

Study ID
Study Status
Start Date
Grant amount awarded
Grant recipient
Colorado State University
Study country
United States
Genevieve M.Forster , BSc
Study category
Endocrine/Metabolic (Diabetes, Thyroid)