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The COVID-19 pandemic substantially affected numerous aspects of our daily lives. Researchers want to know if the pandemic also impacted our relationships with our companion animals. Cats are extremely sensitive to their physical and social environment, as well as to the behavior and lifestyle of their owners. The team will assess cat-owner relationships and cat behaviors using validated questionnaires through different phases of the pandemic, from data collected pre-pandemic through data collected recently. The team also will analyze 2013 to 2022 United States’ shelter statistics on cat intake and outcomes to investigate temporal trends during the pandemic. Findings will inform recommendations to assist cat owners in maintaining healthy and positive relationships with their pet cats, as well as help inform animal shelter policies, during times of crisis.

Study ID
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Start Date
Grant amount awarded
Grant recipient
Purdue University
Study country
United States
Hsin-Yi Weng, BVM, MPH, PhD
Study category