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Disc herniation is a common cause of paralysis in dogs. Recommendations for the management of dogs following surgery for disc herniation vary from strict rest to intensive rehabilitation but benefits from these different approaches are unclear. In this clinical trial, researchers will compare two protocols. The first is a postoperative rehabilitation protocol designed to enhance strength and coordination in dogs with naturally occurring disc herniation. The second is a more conservative, supportive protocol using passive range of motion exercises, limited sling walking, and confinement. Findings will provide insight on whether postoperative rehabilitation increases speed and level of recovery, and which therapy approach is more effective in improving the quality of life in dogs with acute spinal cord injury following surgery.

Study ID
Study Status
Start Date
Grant amount awarded
Grant recipient
North Carolina State University
Study country
United States
Natasha J. Olby, VetMB, PhD
Study category
Neurology (Brain and Spinal Cord)