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Koala retrovirus (KoRV) and chlamydia are major diseases contributing to the rapid decline of koalas in Australia. KoRV is associated with increased prevalence of lymphocytic leukemia and lymphoma, while chlamydia causes severe eye and urogenital disease leading to blindness and infertility. Both diseases can cause death in koalas. Pockets of South Australia may have some of the last KoRV- and chlamydia-free koalas in Australia. Researchers will determine the prevalence and geographical distribution of KoRV and chlamydia in two distinct koala populations in South Australia. This work will be used to identify populations with disease-free animals to increase our understanding of these pathogens and assist conservation efforts.

Study ID
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Grant amount awarded
Grant recipient
University of Adelaide
Study country
Natasha Speight, BSc, BVMS, PhD
Study category
Infectious Disease