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Fewer than 300 Ridgway's hawks remain in the wild. A new threat to the survival of these Caribbean birds – heavy parasitic fly larvae infestation in nests – has led to increased mortality in Ridgway's hawk nestlings. This prompted The Peregrine Fund to take action by treating individual nests and nestlings for these parasites which has helped stabilize the population. Researchers will determine the effects of parasitism on nestling survival and measure the effectiveness of current treatment methods. Investigators will also study the lifecycle of the parasitic fly, using the data to design improved control measures. Finding new solutions to combat parasitic infestation will ensure the long-term health and conservation of the critically endangered Ridgway's hawk.

Study ID
Study Status
Start Date
Grant amount awarded
Grant recipient
The Peregrine Fund
Study country
United States
Martín A. Quiroga, PhD
Study category
Infectious Disease