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Studies show that approximately 35 to 50 percent of cats are either overweight or obese, predisposing these animals to a number of medical conditions, including liver disease, osteoarthritis and diabetes. Current interventions for obese pets are limited to caloric restriction and exercise, both of which are challenging to implement in cats. Researchers will evaluate the use of an extract from unripe avocados to reduce body fat in cats without the need to restrict food intake. The avocado extract contains a unique sugar that inhibits the ability of cells to metabolize glucose. Researchers also will evaluate the ability of a diet formulated with avocado extract to help prevent obesity in cats. Identifying a more effective approach to weight control will help pet owners and veterinarians address weight management challenges in pet cats.

Study ID
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Start Date
Grant amount awarded
Grant recipient
Louisiana State University
Study country
United States
Jon M. Fletcher, DVM
Study category