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The use of CBD and other cannabis-derived substances to control pain in pets is a booming industry. However, little scientific data exists on the efficacy and safety of cannabis-derived products, and there are no CBD formulations with regulatory approval for therapeutic use in animals in North America. To help fill this knowledge gap, researchers will evaluate whether adding oral CBD extract to a standard pain management plan is beneficial in dogs following orthopedic surgery. Dogs undergoing tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO), a common orthopedic procedure, will receive a standard analgesic regimen with or without a CBD herbal extract for 14 days. Findings will help determine if adding a CBD extract to a standard analgesic protocol is beneficial and if so, provide data on an effective range of CBD plasma concentrations for dogs following surgery.

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Western College of Veterinary Medicine
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Alan Chicoine, DVM
Study category