A Golden Opportunity to Fight Canine Cancer

The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study’s success depends on highly committed golden retriever owners. Each owner:

  • Participates in the study for the life of the dog
  • Completes an annual online questionnaire regarding their dog’s nutrition, lifestyle and environment
  • Takes their dog to its veterinarian for annual examinations and sample collections (blood, urine, feces, hair and toenail clippings)
  • Allows collection of tumor samples for evaluation, when applicable

General Study Resources

  • Owner’s Manual - Comprehensive overview of useful study information and resources, including tools to help you keep records important for the study.
  • Purina Body Condition Score - Check your dog’s body condition scores using this validated scale developed by Nestle Purina
  • Biopsy Decision Tree - Does your dog have a suspicious lump and not sure what to tell your veterinarian? This graphic will help you and your veterinarian submit the right samples and information.
  • Veterinarian Appreciation Certificate - Print off this optional certificate to fill out and present to your veterinarian as a token of your appreciation for their contribution the the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study

Annual Study Examination Resources

  • Dam and Sire History - This form assists with completing the dam and sire history section of the study questionnaire.  For second year annual examinations your veterinarian will input this information. Starting with third-year annual examinations this information will be included on your owner questionnaire.
  • Glossary for Dam and Sire History - Refer to this glossary to help you complete the Sire and Dam Medical History.

Necropsy Resources

  • Necropsy Veterinarian Discussion Guide - A list of questions to help guide discussion with your veterinarian about performing a necropsy procedure. Intended to be used before a necropsy is needed.
  • Guide for After Hours Necropsy Decisions - Instructions for how to handle a necropsy situation when the GRLS Contact Center is closed. Includes an FAQ section.
  • Necropsy Considerations - A helpful guide to plan for a future necropsy. Includes information about the emotional and financial aspects, as well as preparedness, timeline, and frequently asked questions.
  • Necropsy Planning Packet - A comprehensive guide to plan for a future necropsy. Includes helpful information about each step of the necropsy planning process.

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