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Mesomycetozoan parasites of amphibians rarely cause significant disease or mortality, however, the parasite Amphibiocystidium sp. has caused significant cases of infection, disease and mortality in newts on the Isle of Rum in Scotland. Other cases of severe infection are also appearing across Europe, so the situation on Rum may herald a more widespread problem. Researchers will produce a comprehensive risk assessment for this pathogen, including environmental conditions that may affect infection and disease dynamics. They will then use this information to develop mathematical models illustrating how infection and disease may spread and how likely worst-case scenarios are. This information will be provided to the GB Wildlife Surveillance Partnership and be part of the annual Wildlife Diseases UK report. The information developed for newts on Rum will be the first step toward developing a risk assessment for amphibian mesomycetozoans.

Study ID
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Start Date
Grant amount awarded
Grant recipient
Zoological Society of London
Study country
United Kingdom
Trenton WJ Garner, MSc, PhD
Study category
Infectious Disease