Dearest Bebe. A piece of our hearts are forever gone since you left us last week. As I write this, I can still see you snug as a bug in your doggie bed next to the fireplace. You were seriously the sweetest girl ever!
I just never believed you would grow old, since ever day you actually acted and became younger. You were my Benjamin Button.Twenty one years old and you ruled the roost. Full of energy, running after your brother Wyatt, and putting him in his place. Your fast, long gallops, and high pitched screeches always cracked us up! Ruger, Wyatt, Jack (rest in heaven), and kitty sister Brizzie definitely respected your seniority. We loved how you always protected your brother Ruger, especially when it came to food. We were so impressed that you learned to use the doggie door, until our Brizzie ruined it for all of us..lol. Teaching a old dog new tricks was a no brainer for you.
We were so blessed to have you become part of our family four years ago. We could actually write a book about the life you lived prior to becoming our precious "Little One", "Bee-ba-ders", Beebers...so many nicknames. From mommy Babs finding you lost on the streets and giving you the most loving home, your feline brother Roachie throwing down some WWE moves on you..lol, miraculously surviving a house fire, and being left at the ARC store would be just a few of the chapters.You lived an exciting, yet sometimes interesting, and unbelievable long life, yet never slowed down. You were unstoppable!
We hope and pray that we gave you the most beautiful life ever, because we know our lives would not be the same without you.
There is no amount of time with you that could ever be enough. Until we meet again Beebs, we will never forget you.
Miss and love you always.
Mommy, daddy, Ruger, Wyatt, and Brizzie

Remembering and honoring you every day, in many different ways
Kellie Herrera donated in honor of Bebe