Golden Retriever Lifetime Study
The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study is one of the largest, most comprehensive prospective canine health studies in the United States. The Study’s purpose is to identify the nutritional, environmental, lifestyle and genetic risk factors for cancer and other diseases in dogs. Each year, with the help of veterinarians and dog owners, the Foundation collects health, environmental and behavioral data on 3,000+ enrolled golden retrievers.
Connecting researchers with dog lovers and veterinarians to advance animal health.
The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study will help identify nutritional, genetic and environmental risk factors for cancer and other important diseases in dogs. Results will provide comprehensive data on diseases and other health challenges, including cancer. Findings will be used as a launching point for multiple health studies in dogs.
Request Study Samples and/or Data for Research – Bette M. Morris Data Commons & Biorepository
Qualified individuals may gain access to Golden Retriever Lifetime Study data and/or samples including but not limited to whole blood, urine, hair and toenails. These projects will contribute to the understanding of nutritional, environmental, lifestyle and genetic risk factors for cancer and other diseases in dogs.
Data Commons
Data Commons is an open, free database available to the research and educational communities. Qualified individuals can gain access to data generated by the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study, one of the largest and most comprehensive longitudinal studies ever conducted in veterinary health research. New data resources are available now.
Golden Retriever Lifetime Study Publications
If you'd like to read the many publications that have resulted from the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study, head over to our Data Commons.
Golden Zoomies
Have you had a chance to watch Golden Zoomies? The webinar series features presentations on a variety of canine health topics including cancer, nutrition and more. Watch all the webinars in the playlist on our Youtube Channel!
Golden Retriever Lifetime Study Embedded Projects
- Training Pathologist to Support Golden Retriever Lifetime Study
- Examining the Fecal Microbiome in Golden Retrievers
- Assessing Risks Related to Genomic Estimation of Inbreeding
- Updating Normal Blood Testing Ranges
- Looking for Links between Lifestyle, Gut Microbiome and Obesity
- Looking at Diet and Heart Disease in Golden Retrievers
- Gauging Parasite Risk in Golden Retrievers
- Identifying Genetic Factors Associated with Obesity in Golden Retrievers
- Assessing Blood Testing for Early Detection of Lymphoma
- Investigating Transmission and Disease Risk of COVID-19 in Dogs
- Identifying Commonly Used Antimicrobials for Infectious Disease
- Understanding Heartworm Medication Use
- Assessing Pet Owner Influence on Multi-Year Study Success
- Studying Toxin Exposures and Canine Lymphoma
- Improving Early Detection of Canine Lymphoma
- Investigation into the risk factors and veterinary prescribing practices for canine otitis externa
- Investigating Urinary Incontinence in Dogs
- Understanding how social determinants impact Golden Retriever owner’s choice in feeding practices and exercise and how this impacts the risk of the development of neoplastic diseases
- Developing A Test for Early Detection of Splenic Hemangiosarcoma
- Identifying Risks Associated with Inbreeding in Golden Retrievers
- Studying Genetic Variants and Other Factors Associated with Lifespan and Cancer Diagnosis in Golden Retrievers
- Can Trained Bio-Detection Dogs Diagnose Hemangiosarcoma?
- Looking for Risk Factors for Multiple Cancer Development in Golden Retrievers
- Looking for Genetic Mutations Associated with Hemangiosarcoma in American Golden Retrievers
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Have additional questions about the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study? Whether you're a participant or just interested in learning more, find answers to commonly asked questions about the Study.
Golden Retriever Lifetime Study
Newly Funded Studies Aim to Improve Health of Senior Dogs

Looking Ahead to 2025

Newly Funded Morris Animal Foundation Projects to Improve Senior Dog Health and Well-being

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Golden Retriever Lifetime Study Partners

Golden Retriever Lifetime Study Partners

Golden Retriever Lifetime Study Partners

Golden Retriever Lifetime Study Partners